Saturday, April 25, 2009


Oh me oh my, how late this post is!

Halloo to all our readers! We are finally blogging on the Death and Ghosts event which NST organised on the 4th. April (Sei, Sei - die die!). It was totally AWESOME.

The deco and ambience was really, really creepy. No one having gone there would want to be involved in Satanism - EVER! (Yes, that's how creepy it was!)

"Welcome to hell!" said Wesley, aka The Joker.

Why so serious, Wesley?

I purposely wore a WHITE shirt and LIGHT BEIGE trousers to the event... well... I am supposed to be the light of the world right??

The scarefest kicked off with a murder. Okay, maybe not a real murder, but a very convincing fake one. The entire audience had to play Sherlock Holmes to identify the mastermind behind the shocking murder of Steven Chong, prime minister wannabe, whose corpse was found in the restroom half-naked and covered with blood and... *ahem*, lipstick marks. Thank you, Tze Quan for a brilliant idea!

Who is the mastermind?

The shifu of ghosts (Pastor Victor Wong) appeared from amidst the gravestones on the stage with a scream (just kidding, it was actually a round of applause).

The living among the dead - Pastor Victor.

Master Shifu Victor taught us about pontianaks, spirits that can possess handphones, cameras, rings and even corneas, demon spirits that seize control of hapless human victims and, on the other side of the spiritual spectrum, angels of God and the LORD Jesus the Christ.

He also said that (and this will shock some of you) dead people do NOT go immediately to [the New] Heaven or to Hell [the Lake of Fire]. Rather, the 'heaven' Christians usually speak about is actually Paradise, whish is located in the present Heaven. Unsaved people go to Hades (or Sheol), a sort of waiting place before they are finally cast into Hell (Gehenna).

But that was not the main thrust of his message. His main point was the Resurrection of one Man from the realm of the dead - the LORD Jesus Christ. He conquered even Death itself! Hallelujah!

Ultimately, however, this event is not about Death and Ghosts, but rather about the Living LORD. Because He lives forever, so can we who believe and trust on Him. He is Risen indeed!


God bless you all, in the LORD Jesus' Name,
Agent Joshua Leow.