Friday, January 23, 2009

We Are That Light.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~ Romans 12:2

(Adopted from one of my previous posts in my own blog, to visit my blog click here.)

At these times, peer pressure is everywhere, they're are totally unavoidable. Most of the time, just the sake of impressing our friends, we follow what they say and what they do. Sometimes, they're even teenagers that get into drugs, alcohol, pornography, smoking, masturbating, pre-marital sex etc. Just because their friends are doing it. As simple as this, this way, teenager's lives are being destroyed. This is how Satan is trying to destroy us, he's preventing us from rising for our generation.

The Lord said,"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by man.''~ Matthew 5:13

We are the salt of the world, Satan is right now, using everything and anything that means neccesary to damage the rising generation. But, nevertheless, the prophecy of God ruling over all things is going to be fulfilled. I'm telling you, Satan is working harder than ever to stop us, and are we just going to let Lucifer poison our minds, and just lead us to eternal burning in Hell? No way! Wake up man! Stop being deceived! You see, whatever it maybe, Satan's strongest in his arsenal, is actually 'deception'. Even from the time of man, we were already deceived by Satan. Remember, how Satan lied to Eve so she'll eat the fruit? and then later giving it to Adam so their purity will be compromised? You see, even teenagers these days, are just full with life responsibilities, stress, pressure etc. And some teenagers, even resort to suicide to solve their problems. Believe me, everyone who commits suicide will go to hell. This is because, by simply taking out our own lives away, we're rejecting the salvation that our wonderful God has given to us. When someone commits suicide, he's also 'expediting' his journey to Hell. I'll give an example, your examination is coming, and you did not study, and when exam time came, you simply gave up, not even trying, thus the result would mean that you'll fail, no? If we look it at a different way, it'll mean exactly as not putting up our armor of God which is God's word, and then later in life, we reject the "exam", and we'll go to Hell. Life is like an exam(well sort of), if we reject the exam, it'll also mean that we're rejecting life and God's salvation. Then, we'll be more than worthy to go to Hell.

Stop being decieved! in Romans 12:2, it also tells us that our mind CAN be disciplined. Negative thoughts can be changed to positive thoughts, and tempting thoughts can be erased. Now, that'll make life so much better, isn't it? We should be the trendsetter in living for Jesus, instead of a follower who lives like the world.

We are the rising generation of this world, we are the salt of the world, we are the light of the world, the Rising generation WILL rise up to stand up for God and his word. When the world perishes, only 2 things will remain, the souls of men and God's word.

Let me tell you the story of Gideon.....

The land of Israel was full of sinful and cowardice people, and God allowed Israel to be conquered by the Midianites for 7 years. And then there was a famer by the name of Gideon, one day, while he was beating wheats, an angel of God suddenly, appeared to him and said : "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." Gideon was a weak and poor farmer nevertheless, and his clan is the weakest in Mannesseh, therefore it'll be natural for him to think that God choose the wrong person, and he did. But God said: "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together." and please note that Gideon from there on, became a one-man army. "strike down all the Midianites TOGETHER.".....

"Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew the trumpet, summoning the Abiezrites to follow him." ~ Judges 6:34

When the Lord fills us with the Holy Spirit, we can do many wonderful and great things. For instance, just as the Lord commanded Gideon, he commanded Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the black people in America to demand equal rights in the country. And so he did....

Gideon was ready of the uprising against the Midianites... And then God commanded Gideon to gather 22,000 men (for the army), but God felt that was too many, and so God commanded Gideon to tell the men which were scared, uninterested and unwilling to lay down their lives to leave. And 2,000 men were left. And God still felt unsatisfied with the number, so he told Gideon to command the soldiers to go to the lake to drink water, then God kept an watchful eye, many soldiers put down their swords and spears and many were lapping water like a dog at the creek, while a small number knelt down while holding their spears and gently cupping the water into their mouths like civilized men. And these men, came up to the number of 300, and God choose these men for the war, and the rest packed up their bags, and went home to drink tea.

When the time of war came (night), Gideon gave every each of the 300 men, a torch to put inside a pitcher, and a trumpet. And in the middle of the war, God commanded Gideon to tell the soldiers to shatter the pitcher, and then blow the trumpet. And then shouting: "A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!". And as the uncountable amounts of bright light suddenly emerging from the battlefield, and the very powerful power of the sound of the trumpets. Then, all the Midianites ran to and forth, crying out in confusion, and killed each other with their swords in the turmoil. And the vast number of the Midianites warriors was reduced to almost nil, and they fled far away.

You see, my friends, that light emerging from the darkness, that light that suddenly caused all the Midianites to kill themselves is our faith for our God, and that powerful power of the trumpet is our will to Stand up for God's word, and rise up against Satan. We're the rising generation of this world, and our sole duty is to obey God and stand up for God and fight against sin. That light can be also imagined as our faith in the middle of darkness, which is sin. Imagine a gargantuan crowd of mixed people from all sorts of nations, and every faithful Christian were to be given a torch, and when you turn off the 'lights', suddenly there's darkness, but out of nowhere a vast number of lights suddenly emerge from the darkness, and then slowly the darkness itself is being consumed by the blinding light. And then the darkness is no more, but what remains is just the Word of God and the souls of Men. Wow.

Are we going to let the greater future, be endangered by Satan's pathetic lies? NO! Are we just going to sit on our arses, while the world is being engulfed over sin and poverty? NO! Are we going to let that coward Satan rule over the world? NO!

Then let's together, as the rising generation of this world, stand up for God's word and send Satan back to HELL! Let's do our part to welcome Jesus back, lay out the red carpet for Jesus!

Before I end this post, I'll like to say a prayer...

Lord, we commit this time to your mighty hands. I pray that you'll touch every single of the readers hearts, as they read this post. I pray that with your wonderful might, you'll led us, as the rising generation of Malaysia to stand for your word and never fall for the world. We dedicate the land of Malaysia to you, Lord, as you may slowly change our country, so that we all will worship you eternally. I dedicate this blog to you, I do this only for Jesus, and that you will use this blog for the expansion of your kingdom. You're worthy of all praise, in Jesus precious name I pray, AMEN!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All For The Love

Date: Saturday, 14 Feb 2009
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Sanctuary 3, 3rd floor, SIBKL
(note to agents: please state the ticket price, because i've forgotten it)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cell Blog Update

We have recently put up the header for our blog and some updates... Pls be sure 2 check it out...
Further plans for this website are such as music, some other stuff, and some other stuff...

God bless all of you (especially if you're taking PMR this year because IT's so annoying...)

Agent Josh W

(btw, PMR IS SERIOUSLY !!!!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our duty as the rising generation of Malaysia.

Hey guys, for the sake of updating this wonderful blog of ours. I adopted this post from one of my own previous post on my own blog. To go to my blog, please click HERE.

For those young christians that lives in this wonderful world that God created,

As you know, we youngsters, from toddlers to the age of young adulthood
We are the rising generation of this world,
Sooner or later, Jesus will decide to come,
to rid the world from evil.

The world is about few centuries or maybe decades from extinction,
many people are expecting the Messiah,
prophecies in the Bible are slowly being fulfilled,
some already are, and some are yet to be fulfilled,
Jesus will return to this sinful world for the second time,
And He will take us by surprise.

"So be prepared, because you don't know what day your Lord is coming." ~ Matthew 24:42

And the questions is not WHEN He is coming,
But, are we ready?
Are we ready to take a stand for Jesus?
Are we ready endure the coming suffering that'll happen in the future, and yet maintain our faith in our Lord saviour?

"Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me." ~Matthew 24:9

And lets be real,
Jesus said that he'll come when he is least expected,
there will be movies, books and prophecies proclaiming the time and date when Armageddon arrives,
Recently, we have authors saying that in year 2012, that'll the earth will perish,
That's bull! Seriously.

Jesus said to his disciples: "Then if anyone tells you, 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There he is', don't pay any attention. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great miraculous signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones." ~ Matthew 24:23-24

Therefore, do not believe these people who are proclaiming false prophecies.
Mayan calendar all wrong. Ignore it.

We must be ready for the second coming,
as the world is getting more and more screwed up,
we must stand firm,
and keep a sharp "lookout".

"Don't let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning." ~Mark 13:36

But don't worry,
if we keep our duty to God,
He will plant our feet on rock,
And by God's wonderful grace and mercy,
we will survive the second coming.

"He will keep you strong right up to the end, and he will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns." ~ 1 Corinthians 1:8

You see, we're the rising generation of this world,
and we shall stand for God 'till the day comes,
and Satan will do his very best to avoid this from happening,
Satan is a coward,
but also very cunning and as sly as a fox.

It's already happening,
Satan is using technology, money, materialistic things, peer pressure to decieve us,
and let it be pornography, drugs, alcohol, smoking and etc.
Satan is entering our minds through these things,
and preventing us from rising up against him.
And I'll say this,
Satan's temptations are unavoidable,
but it can be overcomed,
by wearing our armor of God,
which is the Gospel (God's word).

Even during the time when Jesus was born,
Satan entered King Herod's mind,
and he sent all his soldiers to kill all the male boys around the age of 2 years.
Funny isn't it?
How scared the Satan.
God once said to Satan that the seed in the mother's womb will crush his head,
then he sent his little puny grunt demons to use the most hardest material they could find to make a helmet for him.
Satan is a coward,
that's a fact.

And lets not forget God's love for us all.
During before the birth of Jesus,
God's standard was so high,
that almost everything that man did was sinful,
to even thinking of sinning or to look at woman lustfully,
was considered a sin to God,
and the old testament said that only the righteous, pure and holy souls could only enter the Kingdom of heaven,
then there would be no hope in mankind,
because they will all go to Hell,
no one would enter Heaven.

Then, by God's most wonderful grace and mercy,
he sent down Jesus to earth so that even God himself could experience the same things that men did, he then entered to the same standard as men,
and then a bridge was built between man and God!

Try to imagine a two mountain cliffs,
the left cliff is Heaven, God's kingdom, the holy side
and the right cliff is men the sinful side,
and there was no bridge drawn between them, so how would men reach the other side and have eternal life?

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16

Jesus was God's one and only Son,
he sent Jesus to be with man,
and thus a bridge was created between man and God!
You see, God's love for us all is just indescribable,
he sent his one and only son to be cruxified,
so our salvation would not be taken away from us!
But lets not forget, Jesus rose again on the third day!
Thus, proving he is indeed, the Son of Man.

My friends,
Jesus is coming!
He may decide to come tomorrow, maybe next month, or maybe the years to come,
Who knows?
The question is not when he is coming,
But are we ready?

I will like to challenge you this day,
that you do your part and duty,
and together lets welcome Jesus to come.

"Isaiah had spoken to John when he said,
'He is a voice shouting in the wilderness: Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road for him!'"~Matthew 3:3

Lets fulfill our duty to God.
Basically, our main duty is this.
Jesus said:
"Love the Lord your God will all your heart, soul and strength"
"Love your neighbour as yourself".

"We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. And so we also ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters" ~1 John 3:16
Personally, I think this our main duty to God.
(This is also the reason why the Christians didn't win the war against the Muslims)

obey God's teachings,
do not lose your grasp on the commandments.
"Loving God means keeping his commandments, and really, that isn't difficult."~1 John 5:3

above all,
we should make God our first priority,
make God above all,
if you don't have time for God,
then make time!
God should always come first before everything else,
let it be outings with friends, computer, sports, entertainment, luxury etc.

"and He will give you all your need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." ~Matthew 6:33

Sometimes not only our personal concerns,
but even our duty to God and our duty to the country clashes.
Despite, the Bible saying that we should love our country and be patriotic, God STILL comes first.
Peter once said: "We ought to obey God rather than men."

I will like to show a video of our duty to our Lord Saviour Jesus that touched me. I advise you to pause the songs that should playing at the right side of this blog, if you haven't yet. I seem to have problems with putting the video here. But, you can still watch it by clicking here. Please do. It is a very interesting cartoon created by Youtube users. Its awesome.

My friends,
we are not born here by accident or by coincedence,
we are born here for a purpose,
a purpose for God,
we are the rising generation of Malaysia,
and God is no doubt working in our country,
Satan shall not hinder our rising,
he can try but it'll all be in vain,
we have the power to make difference,
lets put on our armor which is God's word,
and make a stand for Jesus,
we can make a difference,
lets welcome Jesus to our land of Malaysia,
lets dedicate our lives and this country to our Lord Jesus,
let him take over the politics department,
there will be revival in our land!

Lets stand for God's word!

Before I'll end this post, I will like to pray for the readers:
Dear Lord, I will like to commit this time in your hands, I thank you for allowing me to use this blog to share your love and hope that exist in me because of you. I will like to dedicate this blog into your hands, and I will use it for the expansion of your Kingdom. I pray that you'll lay your mighty hands on whoever that is reading this blog, that you will touch their hearts and open their eyes so they can see the glory of your name and what you have done. I'll also like to pray for our country, Malaysia. I dedicate the land of Malaysia to you, I pray that you'll touch the hearts of our people of Malaysia, and that despite the circumstances that exist in our country, I pray that our country will one day open their eyes to your glory and surrender their lives to you. I pray in Jesus precious and beautiful name, Amen!

~credits to Nick that inspired me to do this post.

Leon Lim Jake-Li.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Outing - Taman Pertanian

It happened almost a month ago, from the face of everyone, I know it was an enjoyable and fun outing :)

- Officer JW

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Shalom, dear reader!

In the blink of an eye, another year has just passed. Wow.

Well, for those of us who messed up or made stupid mistakes last year, thank God, He has given us another new beginning so that we can start anew. There is hope for all of us!

God's message to us for 2009 is to cry out to him in times of trouble.

'If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgement, or plague or famine, we will stand in Your presence before this Temple which bears Your Name and will cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear us and save us.' (2 Chronicles 20:09)

The good news is that later on in this chapter, the LORD defeated King Jehoshaphat's enemies with neither him nor his people fighting the battle! All they had to do was sing to the LORD, and He caused the enemy army to self-destruct. Then the king and his men went down to carry off the plunder, and four days later, they returned to Jerusalem a lot richer. God promises to do the same for you this year, dear reader.

So go out and face this year with your heart and mind at rest, knowing that the battle is the LORD's!

In Jesus' precious Name,
Agent Josh L.