Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus' Birthday Present 2009: PMR results!


Hi everyone, it's agent Josh Leow again. I just got my PMR results today, along with all other Form 3-ers in the country. Some are rejoicing and indulging themselves after all the hard work. Others are bawling their eyeballs out in regret for not studying harder.

There is, however, a third group of just-received-PMR-results people: Those who are giving all praise and thanks to the Lord. I'm making it a point to be in this group. Are you?

Let's face it. Tomorrow's Christmas, and for many of us, the news on a simple slip of paper will affect our feelings for the rest of the holidays. But we don't have to let that happen. We can choose to respond to life's circumstances, instead of merely reacting to it. And the difference is this: reaction is based on instinct, but response is based on choice. Reactions change with the circumstances, but responses need never change.

And how shall we respond to our PMR results? Well, first we must remember that God promises us that all things will work together for our good, if we love God and are the called according to His purpose. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. He will not give us something to destroy or harm us. Even failure in exams can be used by God! (Remember Pastor Sam Phun?)

So rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say, rejoice! If your heart and soul are so crushed that you think that you cannot possibly rejoice now, then by all means disobey them! I have learnt that whenever your emotions and the Word of God clash head-on, the Word wins hands down. Although God sometimes uses our feelings to speak to us, trusting them all the time can mislead us. There have been times when I obeyed the "voice of God" in my head and it turned out to be nothing more than my own worry!

Anyway, it's Jesus' birthday tomorrow, and whether or not we got the results we expected, remember that God loved us enough to become a man. And that, my friends, is reason enough to thank God for.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now, let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us
Give thanks.

This Christmas, let us all present our PMR results to Jesus as His birthday presents. He more than deserves all our praise and thanks. Amen.

By: Agent Josh Leow

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jesus is our IMPETUS

Hi everyone!

Today we just got back from Narrowstreet Camp 2009 - Impetus. After a relaxing camp last year with plenty of free time, Narrowstreet camp reverted to a military style. Think plenty of physical exercise and push-ups. The theme, appropriately, was soldiers. And to fight battles and wars, all soldiers need a strong, continuous impetus.

For those who don't know, impetus=stimulus=driving force.

Lots of things happened over the past few days. Every night, there was an altar call, and every time 30-40% of all the campers went up. Some were genuinely touched by the Holy Spirit. But did some go up out of fear? May God correct it if it is so.

Worship was energetic - at least outwardly. Almost everyone was jumping and screaming the name of Jesus in praise, and that is all very well. But the danger lies in the possibility that some of us were relying on our hyped-up emotions to worship God rather than a prayerful and reverent spirit. If all the leaping and joyful shouting we did during worship was truly out of the spirit, then let us worship likewise 365 days of the year. But if not, let us watch our hearts, minds and souls lest we rely on ever-changing emotions to worship our Lord. Emotions change, but the Spirit of God within us never changes. So let us rely on Him to worship.

During this camp, God gave us the opportunity to make new friends and to fellowship with the community of believers. We all need each other in order to function as believers. He taught us teamwork, and how to forgive our teammates when they make mistakes. In short, how to be like Jesus. I also believe that all those of us who were appointed tactical leaders were all chosen by God so that we could learn leadership.

God also worked miracles there! On day 3, games were almost transferred from the field to the hall because of rain. I prayed, "Lord Jesus, please stop the rain. As the Lord lives, the rain shall stop as soon as we reach the field!" Then we were asked to halt our journey to the field, turn around and head back to the hall because the rain was getting heavier. Inside, Keith asked us if we were willing to brave the rain, or stay in the hall. We voted to brave the rain. So he said, "Okay, let's move out again." As soon as we stepped out of the hall, guess what? It had stopped raining! Isn't God good? And as soon as the games ended and we were ready to return to the hall, it started raining again! It must be God!

Pastor Sam Phun packed a punch, as usual. Through him, the Holy Spirit managed to get a lot of people uncomfortable, prompting the large altar calls. His ukulele (OO-koo-LAY-lay) performance was thoroughly enjoyable, and his imitation of a 1980's era pastor (complete with neat hair and spectacles) was hilarious! "Ladies and gentlemen..." ahahahahaha....

Pastor Andy spoke out against addiction to stuff like video games, pornography, masturbation, and so on. It's true - we must break these bondages in our lives, otherwise we cannot fully enjoy the freedom in Christ that God always intended us to have. Remember, we are no longer slaves to sin...

Then Pastor Daniel followed up with a discussion concerning 4 much-disputed practices: smoking, drinking, tattooing and piercing. The results:

Smoking - destroys God's temple (your body) and makes God a smoker. It is a SIN.

Drinking - SIN.

Tattooing - blood is shed, covenants with malevolent spirits made, often a sign of rebellion and disobedience to parents. It is a SIN.

Piercing - If done in defiance against parents, SIN.

It was very good. Strong, firm answers were given, now all that is left for us to do is to obey. Obey. We must obey. For when we do so, God is exceedingly pleased with us that we love Him enough to do so.

And what if we should fall? In that case, the blood of Jesus and the amazing grace of God allow us to stand up again. God will never be angry with us. If we repent, confess our sins to God and get
up again in His grace, God will still be happy with us. Never give up.

So what about the Impetus? It's not a list of rules, it's not how many steps, it's not a program. It's a Person, and His Name is Jesus Christ. Let us even now fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, casting aside every distraction and the sin which so easily entangles us.

Let us remember Jesus and His grace, always.


By: Agent Josh Leow

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is It Sex?

Q: So you're telling me it's not really sex?
A: Think about it. There's no chance she can get pregnant from it. And she'll still be a virgin. I'm just talking about a safe and fun way to show our feelings for each other.

Q: And she likes the idea?
A: Well... It took a couple weeks of convincing, but she's finally warmed up to it.

Q: I'd say you're rationalizing the whole thing - and deep down you know it.
A: No, it's just a matter of where you draw the line. It's no different than kissing or holding hands. It's physical contact that makes you feel good. And it's something we are both ready for.

Q: I can tell you think you're ready for it. But it sounds to me like you've been pressuring her to go against her morals.
A: Hey, I'm not forcing her to do anything. What? It's not like I'm holding a gun to her face?

Q: If what you're talking about is no big deal, if it isn't really "sex", then tonight when you go over to her house, why don't you do it in the living room, right in front of her parents?
A: What? That's stupid.

Q: You're right. It would be stupid. And you will never do that in a million years, because you know that it is a big deal, and it is a sexual act.

Sex is more than just an act of intercourse. Sex is any physical relationship in which you share your body with someone else in order to experience any form of sexual pleasure. There no such things as "loopholes" in God's plan for us all that makes certain form of sex "OK" before marriage.

Don't misunderstand: There's nothing inherently wrong with sex. God created it. There's nothing wrong with sexual desires either. That's the way God designed our bodies to do.

However, you have to understand that sex is a sacred, special event that bonds two people together in a deep and permanent way.

It is God's will that you will maintain sexual purity. That each of us should learn to control our bodies in a way that is holy and honorable. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this does not reject man, but rejects God who gives you his Holy Spirit.

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." ~Hebrews 13:4

So dear readers, if you think whether or not what you're doing is "crossing the line", think about, Am I doing this to give or get?

Leon Lim

Friday, October 16, 2009

Deepavali in the White House?

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me."
- Exodus 20:1-3
Today, I was absolutely appalled to see this picture in the Star newspaper and to read the caption underneath:

Happy Deepavali, from Obama

President Barack Obama bowing with Hindu Priest Sri Narayanachar Digalakote in the East Room of the White House in Washington on Wednesday after lighting an oil lamp in observation of Deepavali, a holiday celebrated throughout the world. Obama became the first US President to personally take part in a White House ceremony for the festival of lights, lighting a ‘diya’ oil lamp.

President Obama celebrating Deepavali, a Hindu festival of darkness? Oh, no, Mr. President! Why have you done such a thing? Isn't the US supposed to be a Christian nation?

And this isn't the first time that you or your predecessors have done these kind of things. Didn't you, and Bush before you, open the White House to Muslims to break their Ramadan fast? In your speech to Muslims, you stated that "The US has never, and will never be at war with Islam." Hillary Clinton also promised that "Islam would have a home in the United States."

While it is true that we should never deny people the freedom to believe whatever they want to believe, TRUTH, by its very nature, is intolerant of error.

Tolerance has its place, but just what should we be tolerant of? It's people -people made in the image of God, whom He loves- that we need to be tolerant of, NOT their false beliefs which will take them straight to hell! If we truly love people, we will share the Good News of Christ with them with wisdom, tact, courtesy and respect for their humanity. Amen.

So please, stop celebrating pagan festivals which serve only to worship fake "gods", who are on Satan's team. Let us not see you or your successors open the White House and America to ungodly elements ever again. Oh, and that also means banning homosexuality, abortion, etc. and openly calling it sin! Don't worry, Mr. President. It is God, not the people, who keeps you in office.

The Bible says:

-Romans 13:1

Mr. President, it is God who has made you the leader of a mighty nation, and no one else can remove you from office before the proper time.

As for the rest of us, let us all pray for President Obama that He may keep him pure and guide him in the ways of righteousness all the days of his life, for he is also one of Christ's sheep. Amen.

Posted by: Agent Josh Leow

Saturday, October 3, 2009


July 23, 2009
By DanLo

Dear love ones,

Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!

God has been constantly reminding me to be faithful in little things and the things that he has entrusted me. I hope I am faithful and pleasing God.

Few months ago, I resigned from my first job due to some reasons. Then, I was uncertain of my direction. I had pondered about it what I want to do in this economy downturn season. I was praying, fasting and seeking his will in my life. Dad and many friends of mine were supporting me to follow my dad's footsteps in his business. I never thought of doing this at this early age, but I had tried for 2weeks working for dad. As you know the feeling, it was really tough working for your “own dad”. Yet, I was working hard with a teachable attitude eagerly to learn more of skills and get familiar with the industry.

Things were in progress until one day; my beloved mum told me that she wanted me to find a job to work. I felt that she was very selfish. Honestly, I was so upset and angry. I did not talk to her for few weeks. Ever since I was high school year 3, she always put criticism every time I told her of my dreams at every stage of my life. However, with a step of obedience, once again I obeyed my parents as God tells so. God has opened the door and blessed me a job.

As I remembered I was crying out to God of all my hurts and sufferings, “Why My Mum Is So Selfish?” I believe God has answered my prayer recently and he is teaching me to have the “Balance”. Many times in the past, I had the gang-ho spirit to come out and work on my business plans and to pursue my dreams. But today, I know that God has putting my mum to have this “Balance” in this part of journey of my life. She is stopping me from going wild, aggressive and making unwise decisions. She is helping me to go slow at times when I was impatient; humble myself to know that I am not ready for the big things.

Today, I learn about “BALANCE

You may be a person who doesn’t wait things happen, you make things happen. Excellent Attitude!!! But there is a phrase saying, “Do not act until God tells you to do so is the act of maturity”. We need Balance!

The books teach us to think positive. But sometimes over positive thinking might lead to over confident and you might miss out some unforeseen circumstances. We need Balance!

No one likes criticisms, and conflicts always create arguments/quarrels. But only through that, things will get better and they challenge us to think outside of the box. Constructive criticisms are good. We need Balance!

And of cause we must love ourselves as appreciation to God’s unique creation. But until you learn how to love others, then you will have breakthrough in your life, by knowing that we are having the same journey and you are blessed by God’s grace. As the bible says you must love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself." We need Balance!

In the corporate world, I learn that people take pride to perform excellent works. But humility is even better; you will gain more as the more you humble yourself. We need Balance!

Giving is blessing others and Receiving is blessing from God. In life, we give and take. We learn and teach. Sometimes we win, sometime we lost. We make mistakes and contribute to success. We get wealth and bless the poor.

Once Again! We need Balance!

What about you? Have you found your Balance?
Today I learn Balance and appreciate my parents more.

I pray that we will continue to grow together as iron sharpens iron.



Dear All,

In Every Season of our lives. As we grow, whether you like it or not. We some how will make decision. Decision to follow Jesus whole heartedly, trust in Him, surrender everything back to Him, turn away from wicked sins, what course to study, which uni to enroll, career paths, yes or no to the boy/gal, and etc.

If you determine to be obedient to God, honor him in every decision you make, I am glad for you. God will not shortage you. IF only we know and so clear of what he wants us to do, where to go and which DECISION TO MAKE.

HOWEVER, the journey in our lives is not as easy as we think, it has been so challanging for me. Especially when we are at the crossroad and God is silent.

After all, I know that God is telling me "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

I remember that last year, I listened to John C Maxwell was talking about Managing Decisions. Some of the highlights in his talk was

The Secret of your successes are determined by your daily agenda.
The Secret of your successes are determined by what you do today .

Successful people make important decisions early of their life and they manage their decisions the rest of their life.

Making decisions is overrated, managing decisions is underrated.

Let's hear more from HIM! He is a good mentor. Christian leader and Business Man! [corrected]

I truly think it is very significant for you and I even at this age to make Godly decision that honor Him with our lives in every decision that we make in every stage of our life and manage them well. So that we can be successful in our marriage, career, to be good parents, in serving God, and more importantly the successful child of God in God's eyes.

There is a saying, the decisions that you made in the 1st half of your life will most influence/impacted of what your 2nd half of your life would be.


Make It Wise.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Taking Up Our Crosses And Following Jesus

Everyone knows the Scripture that says that we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Jesus. It is found in Matthew 16:24 and Mark 8:34 The traditional application of this verse is all the sacrifice and pain that the Christian life entails. While this is true, we might be missing the point of Jesus' statement.

Let us look at the context of this Scripture:

Matthew 16:13-24

When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?"

So they said, "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"

Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."

Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."


Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Messiah.

From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.

Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, "Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!"

But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but of the things of men."

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

As you can see, Jesus mentioned picking up our crosses immediately after Peter's confession of His Messiahship and His rebuke of Peter's attempt to prevent His crucifixion.

You see, the Jews at that time expected the Messiah to be a powerful conquerer and king. The idea that the Messiah would be arrested, tortured horribly and crucified was unthinkable, because it was the worst of all imaginable deaths. The apostle Paul mentions that a crucified Messiah was a 'stumbling block' or a 'scandal' to them (1 Corinthians 1:23).

So it is not surprising that Simon Peter reacted the way he did, when we understand the Jewish mindset of that day. Peter was trying to save the Man whom he had just confessed to be Messiah. However, he was very,very wrong.

Jesus is, in effect, saying, "Guys, I am going to the cross, whether you like it or not. If you want to follow Me, you must accept the cross too. Don't expect a Messiah who is all conquering and reigning only. No - I am the Crucified Messiah.

"Peter, don't try to stop Me from meeting My destiny. My way is the way of the cross. There is no other."

In other words, Jesus' emphasis is not so much on OUR picking up of our crosses, even though that is important. His main thrust is that HE must go through the gross (I mean cross), not around it.

And that, my friends, is the only way that we are to follow. Amen.
Lord Jesus, we thank You that You cared enough to endure the cross, that we might live. So we pray that we will be able to do the same for Your sake and for the gospel's. Father, give us the strength to endure the cross just as You granted our Lord Jesus the same on that dark night in Gethsamane. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hi guys, its been some time since we updated our blog..
As you all know, we have multiplied into two groups.
As stated by "agent" joshua, we have listed the names:
1) BGR (Boy God Relationship)


2)CS 3.16 (Christiansource 3.16)

Heres our logo (still drafting) :

We're open to any suggestions, so remember to comment

God bless you all and always remember to aim high...

Agent Joshua 2

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Binary Fission

Good news!

On the 6th of June 2009, our cell, TCIA, has reproduced!

Of course, it was in the way that cells reproduce -binary fission.
(Come on, those of you who are in or have gone through Form 3 should still remember this from Science Chapter 4, under asexual reproduction.)

One cell TCIA has become two cells:

1. CS 3.16 (Christian Source 3.16) - (Coincidentally, it was 3:16 pm when this name was chosen!!)

2. BGR (Boy-God Relationship)

Let us now turn to God's Word and see what He says about multiplication.

Then God blessed them (Adam and Eve) and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply..."
(Genesis 1:28)

The power to multiply is one of the greatest powers that the Creator has bestowed upon the human race. The first couple, Adam and Eve, were to be co-workers with God in creating more human beings. So God, in all His wisdom invented an ingenious method for them to carry out this divinely-appointed duty.

I know, nowadays many perverted people have abused and misused the sacred method by which this multiplication was to occur... he who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Our Lord Jesus also said of Himself:
"Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."
(John 12:24)

One Christ died and produced many Christians. Each Christian dies (always to self, and sometimes physically) and produces more Christians. As they say, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." In this way, the species of 'new creation man' continues to multiply and fill the earth.

A seed cannot do much if it does not sprout. In the same way, a cell's power is limited if it does not multiply.

Also, a non-sprouting seed is a non-growing seed. Indeed, it is a sad cell that does not grow. God has not called us to be Peter Pans. Believe me, Never-Neverland can be hell.

So we thank God that TCIA is multiplying, because this multiplication is proof that our cell is still very alive. Its growth is not stunted, nor is it weak, sick or dying. Lord, may it never, ever die. Amen.

We give our highest praise and thanks to YAHWEH, who has brought us this far and let us see the miracle which He has worked in our lives this day.

In Jesus' Name,

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Oh me oh my, how late this post is!

Halloo to all our readers! We are finally blogging on the Death and Ghosts event which NST organised on the 4th. April (Sei, Sei - die die!). It was totally AWESOME.

The deco and ambience was really, really creepy. No one having gone there would want to be involved in Satanism - EVER! (Yes, that's how creepy it was!)

"Welcome to hell!" said Wesley, aka The Joker.

Why so serious, Wesley?

I purposely wore a WHITE shirt and LIGHT BEIGE trousers to the event... well... I am supposed to be the light of the world right??

The scarefest kicked off with a murder. Okay, maybe not a real murder, but a very convincing fake one. The entire audience had to play Sherlock Holmes to identify the mastermind behind the shocking murder of Steven Chong, prime minister wannabe, whose corpse was found in the restroom half-naked and covered with blood and... *ahem*, lipstick marks. Thank you, Tze Quan for a brilliant idea!

Who is the mastermind?

The shifu of ghosts (Pastor Victor Wong) appeared from amidst the gravestones on the stage with a scream (just kidding, it was actually a round of applause).

The living among the dead - Pastor Victor.

Master Shifu Victor taught us about pontianaks, spirits that can possess handphones, cameras, rings and even corneas, demon spirits that seize control of hapless human victims and, on the other side of the spiritual spectrum, angels of God and the LORD Jesus the Christ.

He also said that (and this will shock some of you) dead people do NOT go immediately to [the New] Heaven or to Hell [the Lake of Fire]. Rather, the 'heaven' Christians usually speak about is actually Paradise, whish is located in the present Heaven. Unsaved people go to Hades (or Sheol), a sort of waiting place before they are finally cast into Hell (Gehenna).

But that was not the main thrust of his message. His main point was the Resurrection of one Man from the realm of the dead - the LORD Jesus Christ. He conquered even Death itself! Hallelujah!

Ultimately, however, this event is not about Death and Ghosts, but rather about the Living LORD. Because He lives forever, so can we who believe and trust on Him. He is Risen indeed!


God bless you all, in the LORD Jesus' Name,
Agent Joshua Leow.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

NST Sports Day 2009

Shalom to all our readers!

Yes, once again we are reporting on not-very-current Narrowstreet events several weeks after they happen. This time it is the very first Narrowstreet Sports Day ever, which took place on... err... 28th Feb 2009. (How terribly late!)

The venue for the Sports Day was SK Taman Sea. The day began at 7.15 a.m., when the first NSTers arrived. Slowly, more and more teens in red, yellow, green and blue T-shirts began to trickle into the school.

Then all the NSTers present began to gather in their respective teams, which are:

Sexy Rambutans (Red)

Cili Padi (Yellow)...I know, REAL cili padis are red or green in colour, but it's too bad that those colours are already taken. :-(

Galloping Peacocks (Blue)

Wasabi (Green of course!)

And after a short 'Negaraku' and prayer, the teams began selecting their players for the sports (football, basketball and badminton). The most unfortunate team, Galloping Peacocks, had only NINE people who showed up (including me... actually I don't think its unfortunate because each team member got to play MORE!! Hahaha! :-D ) so they were quite spread thin.

In the beginning Peacocks and Wasabi appeared to be at the losing end, while the Rambutans were overpowering every sport (unsurprising - they were the biggest team!) with Cili Padi in HOT pursuit (pun intended).

I am trying to resist the temptation to whine, "NO FAIR!!!" here because the Rambutans had 3 school players to win their basketball matches, while the Cilis had several tall dudes (such as Wyman) to help them win in football and basketball.

On the other hand the Birds had limited players and lost every single football match, won only one basketball game and in badminton one game.

Wasabi appeared to have better luck in football and basketball... or was that just the way it seemed to the poor Peacocks whose tail feathers were rapidly dropping out?

Well, at the end of the day, the Blues had a chance to redeem themselves in the tug-of-war. First Wasabi fell to Cili Padi, then Peacocks to Rambutans (why, oh why did they have to have such strong people?).

The Birds had but only one more opportunity to save themselves from last place. They pulled and pulled, and finally overcame the Greens.

At last came the final showdown between Cili Padi and Sexy Rambutans. The winner would claim the title of CHAMPION. All those whipped soundly by Rambutans earlier in the day came to cheer on their avengers. Guess who won?

After the climax of the day, the athletes settled down to have lunch. When everyone's stomachs were satisfied, our beloved Pastor Janggut awarded the prizes to the winners.

But wait! There is a special award which can only be found in SIBKL... the Excellence Award. And the winners are...

Wyman Kang - the most Excellent sportsman!

Nicole Kow - she may be short, but she is taking home the award for Excellence! She cheers her team on with great en theosiasm!

Then... time for team photos!


"Cili, cili we're so hot, cili padi we're on top..."

"Rambutans! Rambutans! Se-xy, se-xy, Rambutans!"

"O Peacocks, you're so fast, you can gallop, you can fly; GO PEACOCKS! GO PEACOCKS!"

"Who, is hot in here? Wa-sabi's heating up the at-mosphere..."

The Committee!

We will never forget this year's Sports Day. We learned a lot of things about teamwork and enthusiasm in everything we do. We are eagerly looking forward to next year's!!

Reported by
Agent Joshua Leow

P.S. If this seems like a grandmother's story to you, I sincerely apologize. I am merely trying to immerse our readers in some of the excitement of that day.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Because I Love You

Greetings to all our readers. We are finally reporting on our Valentine's Day event.

'What?!' you say. 'It's been exactly 3 weeks since Valentine's Day, and the agents at T-CIA have just gotten down to blogging about it?!' True, but we T-CIA agents are NOT journalists, consistently publishing the story the day after the event.

The Valentine's program kicked off with a short sketch by our MCs, Tabby and Michael. I loved the way they carried it out. Especially the part about the 'REAL plastic flower'. :-D

"It's... a REAL, plastic, flower."

We also had some hilarious games. Well, it was a great opportunity for us to get to know more girls. :-)

James and Zara

Me explaining my group's sculpture.

Then came one of the best love stories I have ever heard. No prizes for guessing who the story is about.

Pastor Jang was just awesome with his sermon. e.g. 'What is the male and female brain like?

Female Brain: Headache Generator (as in, 'not tonight dear, I've got a headache.')
Male Brain: SEX!! and more SEX!!

But the main thrust of his message was: 'What Is True Love?'

The Answer is (cue drum roll): The Passion of Jesus Christ (that's why it's called the passion!)

Behold! The Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us!

There! NOW you know the answer to one of the most difficult questions ever asked! Jesus, the Lover of our souls Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." (John 15:13)

Love... GOD's divine, sacrificial love... that is what Valentine's Day should be all about. Not boyfriends or girlfriends, friends or even parents, but just the LOVE OF CHRIST which nothing and no one can separate us from. (Romans 8:35-39)

How can we thank GOD enough for His wonderful saving love? The truth is that we can't, but it is freely and lavishly given unto us by pure grace.

God bless all of you who read this,
Agent Joshua Leow.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Shalom to all the Narrowstreet guys and gals who read this blog, and if you're not from Narrowstreet, well, shalom to you as well.

On the 7th February, our cell did Frontline (I know, it has been 3 weeks now since it happened but all of our agents were either too busy or too lazy to update...FYI, I myself am not allowed to use the computer on school nights except to do projects, and I just finished my school's Feb test).

We had to come to church at 12.00 wearing our STAND camp T-shirts. First we had to prepare the Holy Communion. Ribena and crackers which are extraordinary simply because they represent the blood and body of Christ.

Then we had to usher all our wonderful NST mates in. "Hello! Welcome to Narrowstreet!" Smile!

And after that, we gave out the emblems of the Communion. It was a solemn moment. We are partaking of the LORD's body and blood! Don't play play!

Then...collection of tithes and offerings, and also welcoming newcomers.

There! Frontline completed. It was a great experience to serve the LORD in small ways. It is the little things that He notices and smiles upon, if they are born from a heart willing to give Him its all.

Bless you all in the Name of JESUS,
Agent Joshua Leow.

Friday, January 23, 2009

We Are That Light.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~ Romans 12:2

(Adopted from one of my previous posts in my own blog, to visit my blog click here.)

At these times, peer pressure is everywhere, they're are totally unavoidable. Most of the time, just the sake of impressing our friends, we follow what they say and what they do. Sometimes, they're even teenagers that get into drugs, alcohol, pornography, smoking, masturbating, pre-marital sex etc. Just because their friends are doing it. As simple as this, this way, teenager's lives are being destroyed. This is how Satan is trying to destroy us, he's preventing us from rising for our generation.

The Lord said,"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by man.''~ Matthew 5:13

We are the salt of the world, Satan is right now, using everything and anything that means neccesary to damage the rising generation. But, nevertheless, the prophecy of God ruling over all things is going to be fulfilled. I'm telling you, Satan is working harder than ever to stop us, and are we just going to let Lucifer poison our minds, and just lead us to eternal burning in Hell? No way! Wake up man! Stop being deceived! You see, whatever it maybe, Satan's strongest in his arsenal, is actually 'deception'. Even from the time of man, we were already deceived by Satan. Remember, how Satan lied to Eve so she'll eat the fruit? and then later giving it to Adam so their purity will be compromised? You see, even teenagers these days, are just full with life responsibilities, stress, pressure etc. And some teenagers, even resort to suicide to solve their problems. Believe me, everyone who commits suicide will go to hell. This is because, by simply taking out our own lives away, we're rejecting the salvation that our wonderful God has given to us. When someone commits suicide, he's also 'expediting' his journey to Hell. I'll give an example, your examination is coming, and you did not study, and when exam time came, you simply gave up, not even trying, thus the result would mean that you'll fail, no? If we look it at a different way, it'll mean exactly as not putting up our armor of God which is God's word, and then later in life, we reject the "exam", and we'll go to Hell. Life is like an exam(well sort of), if we reject the exam, it'll also mean that we're rejecting life and God's salvation. Then, we'll be more than worthy to go to Hell.

Stop being decieved! in Romans 12:2, it also tells us that our mind CAN be disciplined. Negative thoughts can be changed to positive thoughts, and tempting thoughts can be erased. Now, that'll make life so much better, isn't it? We should be the trendsetter in living for Jesus, instead of a follower who lives like the world.

We are the rising generation of this world, we are the salt of the world, we are the light of the world, the Rising generation WILL rise up to stand up for God and his word. When the world perishes, only 2 things will remain, the souls of men and God's word.

Let me tell you the story of Gideon.....

The land of Israel was full of sinful and cowardice people, and God allowed Israel to be conquered by the Midianites for 7 years. And then there was a famer by the name of Gideon, one day, while he was beating wheats, an angel of God suddenly, appeared to him and said : "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." Gideon was a weak and poor farmer nevertheless, and his clan is the weakest in Mannesseh, therefore it'll be natural for him to think that God choose the wrong person, and he did. But God said: "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together." and please note that Gideon from there on, became a one-man army. "strike down all the Midianites TOGETHER.".....

"Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew the trumpet, summoning the Abiezrites to follow him." ~ Judges 6:34

When the Lord fills us with the Holy Spirit, we can do many wonderful and great things. For instance, just as the Lord commanded Gideon, he commanded Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the black people in America to demand equal rights in the country. And so he did....

Gideon was ready of the uprising against the Midianites... And then God commanded Gideon to gather 22,000 men (for the army), but God felt that was too many, and so God commanded Gideon to tell the men which were scared, uninterested and unwilling to lay down their lives to leave. And 2,000 men were left. And God still felt unsatisfied with the number, so he told Gideon to command the soldiers to go to the lake to drink water, then God kept an watchful eye, many soldiers put down their swords and spears and many were lapping water like a dog at the creek, while a small number knelt down while holding their spears and gently cupping the water into their mouths like civilized men. And these men, came up to the number of 300, and God choose these men for the war, and the rest packed up their bags, and went home to drink tea.

When the time of war came (night), Gideon gave every each of the 300 men, a torch to put inside a pitcher, and a trumpet. And in the middle of the war, God commanded Gideon to tell the soldiers to shatter the pitcher, and then blow the trumpet. And then shouting: "A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!". And as the uncountable amounts of bright light suddenly emerging from the battlefield, and the very powerful power of the sound of the trumpets. Then, all the Midianites ran to and forth, crying out in confusion, and killed each other with their swords in the turmoil. And the vast number of the Midianites warriors was reduced to almost nil, and they fled far away.

You see, my friends, that light emerging from the darkness, that light that suddenly caused all the Midianites to kill themselves is our faith for our God, and that powerful power of the trumpet is our will to Stand up for God's word, and rise up against Satan. We're the rising generation of this world, and our sole duty is to obey God and stand up for God and fight against sin. That light can be also imagined as our faith in the middle of darkness, which is sin. Imagine a gargantuan crowd of mixed people from all sorts of nations, and every faithful Christian were to be given a torch, and when you turn off the 'lights', suddenly there's darkness, but out of nowhere a vast number of lights suddenly emerge from the darkness, and then slowly the darkness itself is being consumed by the blinding light. And then the darkness is no more, but what remains is just the Word of God and the souls of Men. Wow.

Are we going to let the greater future, be endangered by Satan's pathetic lies? NO! Are we just going to sit on our arses, while the world is being engulfed over sin and poverty? NO! Are we going to let that coward Satan rule over the world? NO!

Then let's together, as the rising generation of this world, stand up for God's word and send Satan back to HELL! Let's do our part to welcome Jesus back, lay out the red carpet for Jesus!

Before I end this post, I'll like to say a prayer...

Lord, we commit this time to your mighty hands. I pray that you'll touch every single of the readers hearts, as they read this post. I pray that with your wonderful might, you'll led us, as the rising generation of Malaysia to stand for your word and never fall for the world. We dedicate the land of Malaysia to you, Lord, as you may slowly change our country, so that we all will worship you eternally. I dedicate this blog to you, I do this only for Jesus, and that you will use this blog for the expansion of your kingdom. You're worthy of all praise, in Jesus precious name I pray, AMEN!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All For The Love

Date: Saturday, 14 Feb 2009
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Sanctuary 3, 3rd floor, SIBKL
(note to agents: please state the ticket price, because i've forgotten it)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cell Blog Update

We have recently put up the header for our blog and some updates... Pls be sure 2 check it out...
Further plans for this website are such as music, some other stuff, and some other stuff...

God bless all of you (especially if you're taking PMR this year because IT's so annoying...)

Agent Josh W

(btw, PMR IS SERIOUSLY !!!!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our duty as the rising generation of Malaysia.

Hey guys, for the sake of updating this wonderful blog of ours. I adopted this post from one of my own previous post on my own blog. To go to my blog, please click HERE.

For those young christians that lives in this wonderful world that God created,

As you know, we youngsters, from toddlers to the age of young adulthood
We are the rising generation of this world,
Sooner or later, Jesus will decide to come,
to rid the world from evil.

The world is about few centuries or maybe decades from extinction,
many people are expecting the Messiah,
prophecies in the Bible are slowly being fulfilled,
some already are, and some are yet to be fulfilled,
Jesus will return to this sinful world for the second time,
And He will take us by surprise.

"So be prepared, because you don't know what day your Lord is coming." ~ Matthew 24:42

And the questions is not WHEN He is coming,
But, are we ready?
Are we ready to take a stand for Jesus?
Are we ready endure the coming suffering that'll happen in the future, and yet maintain our faith in our Lord saviour?

"Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me." ~Matthew 24:9

And lets be real,
Jesus said that he'll come when he is least expected,
there will be movies, books and prophecies proclaiming the time and date when Armageddon arrives,
Recently, we have authors saying that in year 2012, that'll the earth will perish,
That's bull! Seriously.

Jesus said to his disciples: "Then if anyone tells you, 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There he is', don't pay any attention. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great miraculous signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones." ~ Matthew 24:23-24

Therefore, do not believe these people who are proclaiming false prophecies.
Mayan calendar all wrong. Ignore it.

We must be ready for the second coming,
as the world is getting more and more screwed up,
we must stand firm,
and keep a sharp "lookout".

"Don't let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning." ~Mark 13:36

But don't worry,
if we keep our duty to God,
He will plant our feet on rock,
And by God's wonderful grace and mercy,
we will survive the second coming.

"He will keep you strong right up to the end, and he will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns." ~ 1 Corinthians 1:8

You see, we're the rising generation of this world,
and we shall stand for God 'till the day comes,
and Satan will do his very best to avoid this from happening,
Satan is a coward,
but also very cunning and as sly as a fox.

It's already happening,
Satan is using technology, money, materialistic things, peer pressure to decieve us,
and let it be pornography, drugs, alcohol, smoking and etc.
Satan is entering our minds through these things,
and preventing us from rising up against him.
And I'll say this,
Satan's temptations are unavoidable,
but it can be overcomed,
by wearing our armor of God,
which is the Gospel (God's word).

Even during the time when Jesus was born,
Satan entered King Herod's mind,
and he sent all his soldiers to kill all the male boys around the age of 2 years.
Funny isn't it?
How scared the Satan.
God once said to Satan that the seed in the mother's womb will crush his head,
then he sent his little puny grunt demons to use the most hardest material they could find to make a helmet for him.
Satan is a coward,
that's a fact.

And lets not forget God's love for us all.
During before the birth of Jesus,
God's standard was so high,
that almost everything that man did was sinful,
to even thinking of sinning or to look at woman lustfully,
was considered a sin to God,
and the old testament said that only the righteous, pure and holy souls could only enter the Kingdom of heaven,
then there would be no hope in mankind,
because they will all go to Hell,
no one would enter Heaven.

Then, by God's most wonderful grace and mercy,
he sent down Jesus to earth so that even God himself could experience the same things that men did, he then entered to the same standard as men,
and then a bridge was built between man and God!

Try to imagine a two mountain cliffs,
the left cliff is Heaven, God's kingdom, the holy side
and the right cliff is men the sinful side,
and there was no bridge drawn between them, so how would men reach the other side and have eternal life?

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16

Jesus was God's one and only Son,
he sent Jesus to be with man,
and thus a bridge was created between man and God!
You see, God's love for us all is just indescribable,
he sent his one and only son to be cruxified,
so our salvation would not be taken away from us!
But lets not forget, Jesus rose again on the third day!
Thus, proving he is indeed, the Son of Man.

My friends,
Jesus is coming!
He may decide to come tomorrow, maybe next month, or maybe the years to come,
Who knows?
The question is not when he is coming,
But are we ready?

I will like to challenge you this day,
that you do your part and duty,
and together lets welcome Jesus to come.

"Isaiah had spoken to John when he said,
'He is a voice shouting in the wilderness: Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road for him!'"~Matthew 3:3

Lets fulfill our duty to God.
Basically, our main duty is this.
Jesus said:
"Love the Lord your God will all your heart, soul and strength"
"Love your neighbour as yourself".

"We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. And so we also ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters" ~1 John 3:16
Personally, I think this our main duty to God.
(This is also the reason why the Christians didn't win the war against the Muslims)

obey God's teachings,
do not lose your grasp on the commandments.
"Loving God means keeping his commandments, and really, that isn't difficult."~1 John 5:3

above all,
we should make God our first priority,
make God above all,
if you don't have time for God,
then make time!
God should always come first before everything else,
let it be outings with friends, computer, sports, entertainment, luxury etc.

"and He will give you all your need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." ~Matthew 6:33

Sometimes not only our personal concerns,
but even our duty to God and our duty to the country clashes.
Despite, the Bible saying that we should love our country and be patriotic, God STILL comes first.
Peter once said: "We ought to obey God rather than men."

I will like to show a video of our duty to our Lord Saviour Jesus that touched me. I advise you to pause the songs that should playing at the right side of this blog, if you haven't yet. I seem to have problems with putting the video here. But, you can still watch it by clicking here. Please do. It is a very interesting cartoon created by Youtube users. Its awesome.

My friends,
we are not born here by accident or by coincedence,
we are born here for a purpose,
a purpose for God,
we are the rising generation of Malaysia,
and God is no doubt working in our country,
Satan shall not hinder our rising,
he can try but it'll all be in vain,
we have the power to make difference,
lets put on our armor which is God's word,
and make a stand for Jesus,
we can make a difference,
lets welcome Jesus to our land of Malaysia,
lets dedicate our lives and this country to our Lord Jesus,
let him take over the politics department,
there will be revival in our land!

Lets stand for God's word!

Before I'll end this post, I will like to pray for the readers:
Dear Lord, I will like to commit this time in your hands, I thank you for allowing me to use this blog to share your love and hope that exist in me because of you. I will like to dedicate this blog into your hands, and I will use it for the expansion of your Kingdom. I pray that you'll lay your mighty hands on whoever that is reading this blog, that you will touch their hearts and open their eyes so they can see the glory of your name and what you have done. I'll also like to pray for our country, Malaysia. I dedicate the land of Malaysia to you, I pray that you'll touch the hearts of our people of Malaysia, and that despite the circumstances that exist in our country, I pray that our country will one day open their eyes to your glory and surrender their lives to you. I pray in Jesus precious and beautiful name, Amen!

~credits to Nick that inspired me to do this post.

Leon Lim Jake-Li.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Outing - Taman Pertanian

It happened almost a month ago, from the face of everyone, I know it was an enjoyable and fun outing :)

- Officer JW

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Shalom, dear reader!

In the blink of an eye, another year has just passed. Wow.

Well, for those of us who messed up or made stupid mistakes last year, thank God, He has given us another new beginning so that we can start anew. There is hope for all of us!

God's message to us for 2009 is to cry out to him in times of trouble.

'If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgement, or plague or famine, we will stand in Your presence before this Temple which bears Your Name and will cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear us and save us.' (2 Chronicles 20:09)

The good news is that later on in this chapter, the LORD defeated King Jehoshaphat's enemies with neither him nor his people fighting the battle! All they had to do was sing to the LORD, and He caused the enemy army to self-destruct. Then the king and his men went down to carry off the plunder, and four days later, they returned to Jerusalem a lot richer. God promises to do the same for you this year, dear reader.

So go out and face this year with your heart and mind at rest, knowing that the battle is the LORD's!

In Jesus' precious Name,
Agent Josh L.