Yes, once again we are reporting on not-very-current Narrowstreet events several weeks after they happen. This time it is the very first Narrowstreet Sports Day ever, which took place on... err... 28th Feb 2009. (How terribly late!)
The venue for the Sports Day was SK Taman Sea. The day began at 7.15 a.m., when the first NSTers arrived. Slowly, more and more teens in red, yellow, green and blue T-shirts began to trickle into the school.
Then all the NSTers present began to gather in their respective teams, which are:
Sexy Rambutans (Red)
Cili Padi (Yellow)...I know, REAL cili padis are red or green in colour, but it's too bad that those colours are already taken. :-(
Galloping Peacocks (Blue)
Wasabi (Green of course!)
And after a short 'Negaraku' and prayer, the teams began selecting their players for the sports (football, basketball and badminton). The most unfortunate team, Galloping Peacocks, had only NINE people who showed up (including me... actually I don't think its unfortunate because each team member got to play MORE!! Hahaha! :-D ) so they were quite spread thin.
In the beginning Peacocks and Wasabi appeared to be at the losing end, while the Rambutans were overpowering every sport (unsurprising - they were the biggest team!) with Cili Padi in HOT pursuit (pun intended).
I am trying to resist the temptation to whine, "NO FAIR!!!" here because the Rambutans had 3 school players to win their basketball matches, while the Cilis had several tall dudes (such as Wyman) to help them win in football and basketball.
On the other hand the Birds had limited players and lost every single football match, won only one basketball game and in badminton one game.
Wasabi appeared to have better luck in football and basketball... or was that just the way it seemed to the poor Peacocks whose tail feathers were rapidly dropping out?
Well, at the end of the day, the Blues had a chance to redeem themselves in the tug-of-war. First Wasabi fell to Cili Padi, then Peacocks to Rambutans (why, oh why did they have to have such strong people?).
The Birds had but only one more opportunity to save themselves from last place. They pulled and pulled, and finally overcame the Greens.
At last came the final showdown between Cili Padi and Sexy Rambutans. The winner would claim the title of CHAMPION. All those whipped soundly by Rambutans earlier in the day came to cheer on their avengers. Guess who won?
After the climax of the day, the athletes settled down to have lunch. When everyone's stomachs were satisfied, our beloved Pastor Janggut awarded the prizes to the winners.
But wait! There is a special award which can only be found in SIBKL... the Excellence Award. And the winners are...
Wyman Kang - the most Excellent sportsman!
Nicole Kow - she may be short, but she is taking home the award for Excellence! She cheers her team on with great en theosiasm!
Then... time for team photos!
"Rambutans! Rambutans! Se-xy, se-xy, Rambutans!"
"O Peacocks, you're so fast, you can gallop, you can fly; GO PEACOCKS! GO PEACOCKS!"
"Who, is hot in here? Wa-sabi's heating up the at-mosphere..."
We will never forget this year's Sports Day. We learned a lot of things about teamwork and enthusiasm in everything we do. We are eagerly looking forward to next year's!!
Reported by
Agent Joshua Leow
P.S. If this seems like a grandmother's story to you, I sincerely apologize. I am merely trying to immerse our readers in some of the excitement of that day.